Sunday, November 28, 2010


when you love someone
you will smile when you see he/she is happy
although you are not apart of his/her happiness

when you love someone
you will walk away when you were asked to do so
although you are dying to stay

when you love someone
you will care for him/her
although you know that he/she never care for you

when you love someone
you will feel the same pain he/she feels
although you have doubt they will feel the same way to you

when you love someone
you heart will beats like crazy if he/she text you
although you know it means nothing

when you love someone
you can't find any reason to hate him/her
although he/she has hurt you a lot

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

stop stop stop

after all this time
i keep fighting and fighting
what i got is
the pain deep inside me
the pain that killing me badly

until i decided to stop
and after that
i feel great

i guess sometime
we just need to let it go
let karma handle it

it just feel better
when i stopped it right there
stopped to looked at your wall
stopped to looked at your tweets
stopped to care about what are you doing

I find myself better without doing all of these stuff
yeah , i'm learning
from the past to make me better in the future
will stop mentioning u now

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

not perfect

setelah apa yang berlaku
kini aku sedar
bertapa aku leka dengan mainan dunia
banyak bende yang telah berlaku kat aku
aku tak sedar semua itu ujian dari Allah
aku terus leka

hinggalah mama aku sendiri sedarkan aku
"ingat tuhan kak ngah"

ketika itu , baru aku sedar
aku dah lama leka

sesungguhnya Tuhan itu Maha Pengasih dan Maha Penyayang
walaupun aku dah lama terlupaNya
namun Dia masih mendengar rintihan aku
Dia masih mahu memberikan ketenangan yang sekian lama aku cari

Alhamdulliah dengan izinNya
hati aku ini kembali tenang
hidup aku kembali normal

He shows me the truth
He shows me what's best for me